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A convenient and efficient synthesis of 1,3-dimethyl-5-benzylidenebarbituric acid derivatives via gold nanoparticles is carried out. The gold nanoparticles were initiated from novel and low-cost goldsmith effluent source using green reducing agent D-glucose. By mediating autoclave at 121 ºC and 15 lb/cm2 pressure, these particles were further uniformly synthesized by using microwave radiation. The catalyst was analyzed using UV, IR and scanning electron microscopic techniques. Synthesized 1,3-dimethyl-5-benzylidene-barbituric acid was assayed to study its inhibitory action against TAU protein.
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S.R. Makhsin, K.A. Razak, R. Noordin, N.D. Zakaria and T.S. Chun, The Effects Of Size And Synthesis Methods Of Gold Nanoparticle-Conjugated MaHIgG4 for use in an Immunochromatographic Strip Test to Detect Brugian Filariasis, Nanotechnology, 23, 495719 (2012);
M. Noruzi, D. Zare and D. Davoodi, A Rapid Biosynthesis Route for the Preparation of Gold Nanoparticles by Aqueous Extract of Cypress Leaves at Room Temperature, Spectrochim. Acta A Mol. Biomol. Spectrosc., 94, 84 (2012);
K.B. Narayanan and N. Sakthivel, Phytosynthesis of Gold Nanoparticles using Leaf Extract of Coleus amboinicus Lour, Mater. Charact., 61, 1232 (2010);
X. Zhang, Q. Guo and D. Cui, Recent Advances in Nanotechnology Applied to Biosensors, Sensors, 9, 1033 (2009);
A.K. Augustine, V.P.N. Nampoori and M. Kailasnath, Rapid Synthesize of Gold Nanoparticles by Microwave Irradiation Method and its Application as an Optical Limiting Material, Optik, 125, 6696 (2014);
R.A. Andrievski, Nanocrystalline High Melting Point Compound-Based Materials, J. Mater. Sci., 29, 614 (1994);
S.G. Kwon and T. Hyeon, Colloidal Chemical Synthesis and Formation Kinetics of Uniformly Sized Nanocrystals of Metals, Oxides, and Chalcogenides, Acc. Chem. Res., 41, 1696 (2008);
E.V. Shevchenko, D.V. Talapin, H. Schnablegger, A. Kornowski, O. Festin, P. Svedlindh, M. Haase and H. Weller, Study of Nucleation and Growth in the Organometallic Synthesis of Magnetic Alloy Nanocrystals: The Role of Nucleation Rate in Size Control of CoPt3 Nanocrystals, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 125, 9090 (2003);
C. Pimouguet, T. Lavaud, J.F. Dartigues and C.J. Helmer, Dementia Case Management Effectiveness on Health Care Costs and Resource Utilization: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials, J. Nutr. Health Aging, 14, 669 (2010);