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Vibrational Spectra and Potential Energy Distributions for 5-Chloro-2-nitroanisole by Density Functional Theory and Normal Coordinate Calculations
Corresponding Author(s) : G. Venkatesh
Asian Journal of Chemistry,
Vol. 28 No. 3 (2016): Vol 28 Issue 3
In this study, the vibrational spectral analysis have been carried out using FT-IR and FT-Raman spectroscopy in the regions of 4000-400 cm-1 and 3500-100 cm-1, respectively for 5-chloro-2-nitroanisole (5C2NA). The molecular geometry and vibrational frequencies of 5-chloro-2-nitroanisole were estimated by applying the density functional theory approaches including 6-31G*/6-311+G** as basis set. The variation between the observed and scaled wave number values of most of the basics is very small. Coupling of vibrations has been decided by reckoning total energy distributions. FT-IR and FT-Raman spectra of the 5-chloro-2-nitroanisole have been calculated. Further, density functional theory combined with quantum chemical calculations to find out the first-order hyperpolarizability. The calculated HOMO-LUMO energy gap shows that charge transfer occurs inside the molecule. Electronic excitation energies, oscillator strength and character of the respective excited states were calculated by the closed-shell singlet calculation method for the molecule.
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