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Comparative Chemical Composition of n-Hexane and Ethanol Extractives from The Heartwood of Black Locust
Corresponding Author(s) : Seyyed Khalil Hosseinihashemi
Asian Journal of Chemistry,
Vol. 25 No. 2 (2013): Vol 25 Issue 2
In this study, extractives from the heartwood of Robinia pseudoacacia L. (black locust), which was cultivated in the arid region of Iran, were obtained by two steps of extraction. In one step of extraction, fresh wood meal sample was inserted in a balloon and its extractives have been eliminated with n-hexane solvent. In the second step of extraction, the extracted wood meal residue was inserted in ethanol solvent at ambient temperature. The chemical compositions of two extractives were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The comparison extraction extracts has shown that the major components in the n-hexane extract mainly to be contained the hexadecanoic acid, trimethylsilyl ester (13.39 %), (Z,Z)-9,12-octadecadienoic acid (10.10 %), tetradecane (6.88 %), bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (6.21 %) and hexadecane (6.15 %), while the major components in the ethanol extract are resorcinol (51.96 %), (Z,Z,Z)-9,12,15-octadecatrien-1-ol, (6.27 %), hexadecanoic acid (6.06 %) and (Z,Z)-9,12-octadecadienoic acid (4.08 %). The same components present in the two different extracts also contained amounts of the octadecane, hexadecanoic acid, ethyl ester, (Z,Z)-9,12-octadecadienoic acid, linoleic acid ethyl ester and (Z,Z,Z)-9,12,15-octadecatrienoic acid.
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S.A. Chavoshian, An Overview to Trans Boundary and Shared Water Resources Management in Iran, Technical Challenges and Solutions, Proceedings of the International Conference on Role of Water Sciences in Trans Boundary River Basin Management, (ICRWSTBRBM'05), Thailand, pp. 189-195(2005).
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J.S. Wang, S.A. Khan and J.O. Dawson, Nitrogen fixing trees influence concentration of ammonium and amino sugar-nitrogen in soils, Proceeding of the 9th North American Agro-forestry Conference, June 12-15, University of Illinois, pp. 1-17 (2005).
P. Chow, G.L. Rolfe and T.F. Shupe, Wood Fiber Sci., 28, 186 (1996).
J.B. Harborne, Nature, 200, 1055 (1963).
E. Meszaros, E. Jakab and G. Varhegyi, J. Anal. Appl. Pyrol., 79, 61 (2007).
E. Magel, C. Jay-Allemand and H. Ziegler, Trees Struct. Funct., 8, 165 (1994).
D.G. Roux and E. Paulus, Biochem. J., 82, 324 (1962).
A.L. Smith, C.L. Campbell, M.P. Diwakar, J.W. Hanover and R.O. Miller, Holzforschung, 43, 293 (1989).
J.A. Duke, Dr. Duke's Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases, [Online] Available at (, (posted 10 March 1998) (2000).
F. Sefidkon, A. Agha-Vali Jamaat, M.A. Rudsari and K. Jimand, Iran. J. Med. Arom. Plants Res., 20, 19 (2004).
FAO, Improving Productivity of Dry Land Areas, Committee on Agriculture (Ninth Session), FAO, Rome (1987).
M.L. Dawan and J. Famouri, The Soils of Iran, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Iran (1964).
R.P. Adams, Identification of Essential Oil Components by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry, Allured Publishing Co., Illionis, USA., ISBN, edn. 1 (1995).
R.P. Adams, Identification of Essential Oils Components by Gas Chromatography Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry, Allured Publishing Co., Illionis, USA., ISBN, edn. 1 (2001).
D. Julian and W.A. Konig, The Atlas of spectral Data of Sesquiterpene Hydrocarbons, E.B. Verlag, Harburg (1988).
E. Kovats, Helv. Chim. Acta, 41, 1915 (1958).
M. Satoh, Y. Kuroda, H. Yoshida, K.M. Behney, A. Mizutani and J. Akaogi, J. Autoimmun., 21, 1 (2003).
Y. Kuroda, J. Akaogi, D.C. Nacionales, W.H. Reeves and M. Satoh, Toxicol. Sci., 78, 222 (2004)