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Light-Emission Properties and Internal Energy Transfer Phenomenon of Calcium Zirconate Phosphor Doped with Mn2+
Corresponding Author(s) : Wein-Duo Yang
Asian Journal of Chemistry,
Vol. 27 No. 4 (2015): Vol 27 Issue 4
This study employed a cellulose-citric acid method to synthesize CaZrO3:Mn2+ phosphor to examine the light-emission properties, as well as the distance and mechanism of energy transfer between Mn2+ ions. The crystal structure was analyzed using X-ray powder diffraction. The appearance and element composition of the particles were observed using a field emission scanning electron microscopy with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and the excitation and emission spectra of the phosphors were recorded using a fluorescence spectrophotometer. The results indicate that the addition of Mn2+ did not influence the crystal structure of CaZrO3:Mn2+ phosphor and light emission can be attributed to the replacement between Mn2+ ions and Zr4+ ions, forming the emission center. The maximum distance for energy transfer between Mn2+ ions was estimated to be 62.72 Å. Finally, the results verify Dexter's theory that the mechanism of energy transfer between Mn2+ ions is an electric quadrupole interaction.
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