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An Unusual Cu(II) Mediated C–N Single Bond Cleavage of Pentacoordinating N4S Ligands: Control of Copper Coordination Geometry by Modified Ligand Structure
Corresponding Author(s) : Dipesh Ghosh
Asian Journal of Chemistry,
Vol. 31 No. 11 (2019): Vol 31 Issue 11
Complexation of copper(II) with penta-coordinated N4S ligands in alcohols proceeded through unusual reaction paths involving C-N bond cleavage process. The products are square planar compound with a modified ligand structure that includes an alkoxy group provided by the solvent. The complexes are characterized by single crystal XRD, elemental analyses, IR, UV-visible and EPR spectroscopic techniques. Cyclic voltammetry shows Cu(II)/Cu(I) reduction becomes more difficult with the increase in donor strength of alkoxy group.
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- S. Bhattacharyya, T.J.R. Weakley and M. Chaudhury, Inorg. Chem., 38, 633 (1999);
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- S. Bhattacharyya, D. Ghosh, A. Endo, K. Shimizu, T.J.R. Weakley and M. Chaudhury, J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 3859 (1999);
- S. Bhattacharyya, D. Ghosh, S. Mukhopadhyay, W.P. Jensen, E.R.T. Tiekink and M. Chaudhury, J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 4677 (2000);
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- We are unable to isolate the copper(I) precursor compound in the solid state.
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- N. Arulsamy and D.J. Hodgson, Inorg. Chem., 33, 4531 (1994);
- M.-C. Rodriguez, F. Lambert, I. Morgenstern-Badarau, M. Cesario, J. Guilhem, B. Keita and L. Nadjo, Inorg. Chem., 36, 3525 (1997);
S. Bhattacharyya, S.B. Kumar, S.K. Dutta, E.R.T. Tiekink and M. Chaudhury, Inorg. Chem., 35, 1967 (1996);
S. Bhattacharyya, T.J.R. Weakley and M. Chaudhury, Inorg. Chem., 38, 633 (1999);
S. Bhattacharyya, T.J.R. Weakley and M. Chaudhury, Inorg. Chem., 38, 5453 (1999);
S. Bhattacharyya, D. Ghosh, A. Endo, K. Shimizu, T.J.R. Weakley and M. Chaudhury, J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 3859 (1999);
S. Bhattacharyya, D. Ghosh, S. Mukhopadhyay, W.P. Jensen, E.R.T. Tiekink and M. Chaudhury, J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 4677 (2000);
J. Gaazo, I.B. Bersuker, J. Garaj, M. Kabešová, H. Langfelderová, J. Kohout, M. Melnik, M. Serátor and F. Valach, Coord. Chem. Rev., 19, 253 (1976);
A.W. Addison, T.N. Rao, J. Reedijk, J. van Rijn and G.C. Verschoor, J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 1349 (1984);
R.R. Gagné, C.A. Koval and G.C. Lisensky, Inorg. Chem., 19, 2854 (1980);
W.R. Robinson, J. Chem. Educ., 62, 1001 (1985);
P. Hemmerich and C. Sigwart, Experientia, 19, 488 (1963);
D.D. Perrin, W.L.F. Armarego and D.R. Perrin, Purification of Laboratory Chemicals, Pergamon: Oxford, England, edn 2 (1980).
G.M. Sheldrick, SHELXTL, Crystallographic Systems, Siemens Analytical Instruments Division: Madison, WI, USA (1986).
D.T. Cromer and J.T. Waber, International Tables for X-ray Crystallography, Table 2.2, vol. IV, Kynoch Press: Birmingham, UK (1974).
D.T. Cromer, International Tables for X-ray Crystallography, Table 2.3.1, vol. IV, The Kynoch Press, Birmingham, UK (1974).
G.M. Sheldrick, SHELXL-96, Program for Crystal Structure Refinement; University of Göttingen: Göttingen, Germany (1996).
N. Walker and D. Stuart, Acta Crystallogr. A, 39, 158 (1983);
P.T. Beurskens, G. Admiraal, G. Beurskens, W.P. Bosman, S. GarciaGranda, R.G. Gould, J.M.M. Smits and C. Smykalla, DIRDIF92, Crystallography Laboratory, University of Nijmegen, Netherlands (1992).
A. Altomare, G. Cascarano, C. Giacovazzo, A. Guagliardi, M.C. Burla, G. Polidori and M. Camalli, J. Appl. Cryst., 27, 435 (1994);
Molecular Structures Corporation, 3200A Research Forest Drive, The Woodlands, TX 77381, USA; TeXsan Software for Single-Crystal Structure Analysis, version 1.7 (1997).
We are unable to isolate the copper(I) precursor compound in the solid state.
K. Nakamoto, Infrared and Raman Spectra of Inorganic and Coordination Compounds, Wiley-Interscience: New York, edn 3 (1978).
N. Kitajima, K. Fujisawa, M. Tanaka and Y. Morooka, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 114, 9232 (1992);
P.L. Holland and W.B. Tolman, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 122, 6331 (2000);
H.-J. Krüger, G. Peng and R.H. Holm, Inorg. Chem., 30, 734 (1991);
N. Baidya, M.M. Olmstead, J.P. Whitehead, C. Bagyinka, M.J. Maroney and P.K. Mascharak, Inorg. Chem., 31, 3612 (1992);
S.B. Kumar, S. Bhattacharyya, S.K. Dutta, E.R.T. Tiekink and M. Chaudhury, J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 2619 (1995);
G.A. McLachlan, G.D. Fallon, R.L. Martin and L. Spiccia, Inorg. Chem., 34, 254 (1995);
B.J. Hathaway, eds.: G. Wilkinson, R.D. Gillard and J.A. McCleverty, Comprehensive Coordination Chemistry; Pergamon Press: Oxford, England, vol. 5, p 533 (1987).
(a) B.J. Hathaway and D.E. Billing, Coord. Chem. Rev., 5, 143 (1970); (b) A.B.P. Lever, Inorganic Electronic Spectroscopy, Elsevier: New York, edn 2 (1984).
J.L. Hughey IV, T.G. Fawcett, S.M. Rudich, R.A. Lalancette, J.A. Potenza and H.J. Schugar, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 101, 2617 (1979);
T.J. Lomis, M.G. Elliott, S. Siddiqui, M. Moyer, R.R. Koepsel and R.E. Shepherd, Inorg. Chem., 28, 2369 (1989);
S. Chen, J.F. Richardson and R.M. Buchanan, Inorg. Chem., 33, 2376 (1994);
D. Ghosh and M. Chaudhury, Unpublished data.
N. Ray and B.J. Hathaway, J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 1105 (1980);
R.G. Daugherty, T. Wasowicz, B.R. Gibney and V.J. DeRose, Inorg. Chem., 41, 2623 (2002);
B.R. McGarvey, ed.: R.L. Carlin, Transition Metal Chemistry, Marcel Dekker, Inc.: NY, vol. 3, pp. 89-201 (1966).
E.R. Brown and R.F. Large, eds.: A. Weissberger and B. Rossiter, Electrochemical Methods, In: Physical Methods in Chemistry, Wiley-Interscience: New York, Part IIA, Chap. VI (1971).
R.D. Bereman, J.R. Dorfman, J. Bordner, D.P. Rillema, P. McCarthy and G.D. Shields, Inorg. Biochem., 16, 47 (1982);
M. Gullotti, L. Casella, A. Pintar, E. Suardi, P. Zanello and S. Mangani, J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 1979 (1989);
R.A. Michelin, M. Mozzon and R. Bertani, Coord. Chem. Rev., 147, 299 (1996);
M. Yashiro, T. Mori, M. Sekiguchi, S. Yoshikawa and S. Shiraishi, J. Chem. Soc. Chem. Commun., 1167 (1992);
N. Arulsamy and D.J. Hodgson, Inorg. Chem., 33, 4531 (1994);
M.-C. Rodriguez, F. Lambert, I. Morgenstern-Badarau, M. Cesario, J. Guilhem, B. Keita and L. Nadjo, Inorg. Chem., 36, 3525 (1997);