Copyright (c) 2024 A Saritha Chandran

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Dielectric and Conductive Characteristics of Polyaniline Coated Short Nylon Fiber Chloroprene Rubber Composites: A Comprehensive Study on Frequency, Temperature and Loading Dependencies
Corresponding Author(s) : A Saritha Chandran
Asian Journal of Chemistry,
Vol. 36 No. 2 (2024): Vol 36 Issue 2, 2024
In delving into the realm of conducting polymer composites (CPCs), specifically focusing on polyaniline (PANI), polyaniline coated
short fibers of nylon (PANI-N) and chloroprene rubber (CR), this study takes an exploratory journey. Blending PANI/PANI-N/CR and
PANI/CR CPCs mechanically, while adding short nylon fibers significantly improves their mechanical strength. These strong and durable CPCs possess significant promise for a wide range of applications in various devices. Present research methodically probes the dielectric features of CR, PANI/CR and PANI/PANI-N/CR composites across a frequency range of 0.1 to 8 MHz and a temperature span of 303 to 393 K. The results highlight potential correlations between mechanical properties and dielectric behaviour, paving the way for tailored approaches in developing high-performance conducting polymer composites for advanced applications. The study also utilizes theoretical equations and mixing models, which ensures a rigorous validation process that enhances accuracy.
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