Copyright (c) 2023 Siva Prasad Thota, Gopi Mamadi, Basavaiah keloth

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Stability Indicating Methodology Development to Quantify Odevixibat Content: Application of LC-MS Methodology to Characterize Five Degradants of Odevixibat
Corresponding Author(s) : Siva Prasad Thota
Asian Journal of Chemistry,
Vol. 36 No. 1 (2024): Vol 36 Issue 1, 2024
This investigation is concerned with development of HPLC technique that made use of a PDA sensor technology for the speedy assessment of odevixibat (OVBT) for the quality control of both their commercially marketed formulations as well as bulk form. The ODS inertsil column (4.6 mm, 5 µm, 250 mm), mobile phase set up by mixing 0.1% formic acid and acetonitrile in a 60:40 volumes, rate of flow of 1.0 mL/min and with detection using PDA at 223.7 nm was adopted for present procedure. Applying ICH specifications, the HPLC-based OVBT assay strategy was validated successfully for linearity (5.00 to 30.00 µg/mL), sensitivity (LOD-0.60 µg/mL; LOQ-2.00 µg/mL), precision (0.207-0.600% RSD), accuracy (98.9-100.8% assay) and robustness (0.53-1.16% RSD). Numerous stress degradations [acid, alkaline, reduction, oxidation, thermal, hydrolysis and photolytic] have been applied to odevixibat. The odevixibat is reported to be prone to instability in oxidative stress and more persistent during photo stress. The HPLC-based odevixibat assay approach could be implemented in quality assurance labs for the quantitative measurement of odevixibat in routine and stability sample analysis of odevixibat bulk and odevixibat capsule doses. Five degradants [OVBT-DP1 (acid stress), OVBT-DP2 (alkali stress), OVBT-DP3 (oxidative stress), OVBTDP4 (reduction stress) and OVBT-DP5 (heat stress)] were formed. By evaluating mass spectral data of five degradants obtained through LC-MS approach, chemical structures of OVBT-DP1, OVBT-DP2, OVBT-DP3, OVBT-DP4 and OVBT-DP5 were elucidated. The degradation possible mechanisms for all the five degradants formation are also suggested.
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S.M. Bedoyan, O.T. Lovell, S.P. Horslen and J.E. Squires, Expert Opin. Pharmacother., 23, 1771 (2022);
E.D. Deeks, Drugs, 81, 1781 (2021);
U. Baumann, E. Sturm, F. Lacaille, E. Gonzalès, H. Arnell, B. Fischler, M.H. Jørgensen, R.J. Thompson, J.P. Mattsson, M. Ekelund, E. Lindström, P.G. Gillberg, K. Torfgård and P.N. Soni, Clin. Res. Hepatol. Gastroenterol., 45, 101751 (2021);
R.J. Thompson, H. Arnell, R. Artan, U. Baumann, P. Czubkowski, P.L. Calvo, B. Dalgic, L. D’Antiga, Ö. Durmaz, B. Fischler, E. Gonzalès, T. Grammatikopoulos, G. Gupte, W. Hardikar, R.H.J. Houwen, B.M. Kamath, S.J. Karpen, L. Kjems, F. Lacaille, A. Lachaux, E. Lainka, C.L. Mack, J.P. Mattsson, P. McKiernan, H. Özen, S.R. Rajwal, B. Roquelaure, M. Shagrani, E. Shteyer, N. Soufi, E. Sturm, M.E. Tessier, H.J. Verkade and P. Horn, Lancet Gastroenterol. Hepatol., 7, 830 (2022);
P. Mikus and L. Novotny, Res. & Rev.: J. Pharma. Anal., 4, 13 (2015).
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L.G. Martins, N.M. Khalil and R.M. Mainardes, J. Pharm. Anal., 7, 388 (2017);
M. Hollá, A. Bílková, P. Jakubec, S. Košková, H. Koèová Vlèková, D. Šatínský, F. Švec and H. Sklenáøová, Molecules, 26, 3246 (2021);
A.M. Ahmed, M.W.I. Nassar, A. El-Olemy and M.S. Emara, Egypt. J. Chem., 65(10), 203 (2022);
ICH, International Conference on Harmonization, Harmonized Tripartite Guideline Q1A (R2), Stability Testing of New Drug Substances and Products, Geneva (2003).
ICH, International Conference on Harmonization (ICH), Q2 (R1): Validation of Analytical Procedures—Text and Methodology, Geneva (2005)