Copyright (c) 2025 Gloria U Fayomi, Ednah K. Onyari, Funsho R. Simon

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Progression on Water Supply Issues in Nigeria: Implications, Workable Management and Sustainability
Corresponding Author(s) : Gloria U. Fayomi
Asian Journal of Chemistry,
Vol. 37 No. 3 (2025): Vol 37 Issue 3, 2025
Water safety for domestic purposes remains a vital necessity for healthy living and human survival. Clean water is a non-negotiable requirement for direct consumption and other potential uses needed for ecosystem existence. The global world is facing with the challenge of pollutants that continuously affect water supply sources. The pollutants compromise water quality, making it unsuitable for drinking and domestic purposes. Water supply situation in Nigeria is expanding with different complications without any effort by the Government to resolve the menace. The various state water agencies in Nigeria responsible for potable water supply have remained inactive in the aspect of general delivery of piped water supply for all. The Federal Government that is responsible for funding this sector seems to be hiding in ignorance on this basic need of portable water demand. This has resulted to diverse sources of water supply by different people for their daily survival. This review focused on assessing the advancements related to resolve the water supply challenges in Nigeria. The objectives focused on simplifying the undermining implications and workable management practices towards sustainability. Sustainable practices that will accommodate green growth and green infrastructures is hereby recommended. This review further highlighted the role of integrating urban water management strategies as an option.
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