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An Overview of River Side Pollutants and their Effects on Physico-Chemical Changes in Water Quality of River Halda, Bangladesh
Corresponding Author(s) : Ranjit K. Nath
Asian Journal of Chemistry,
Vol. 32 No. 4 (2020): Vol 32 Issue 4, 2020
Halda is an important river of Bangladesh, is now polluted in different ways through industrial, agricultural, domestic and sewage disposal. Increased anthropogenic activities have increased the potential pollution of the river and excessive pollutants may be toxic to humans and aquatic fauna. Presence of heavy metals in the river water causes perilous impact on the aquatic organisms. Hence, regular monitoring of pollution levels in the river is indispensable. In this study, we discuss about physico-chemical assessments of water quality parameters viz. pH, dissolve oxygen (DO), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), total solid (TS), total suspended solid (TSS), total dissolved substance (TDS), total alkalinity, turbidity, salinity, electrical conductivity (EC), hardness, chloride and heavy metals in the water of Halda river during rainy and winter seasons, at different points; sources of pollutants in water and their effects given starting from the early research until the current research.
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