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Musa acuminata L. (Banana) Peel Wastes as Edible Coating Based on Pectin with Addition of Cinnamomum burmannii Extract
Corresponding Author(s) : Lailan Ni`mah
Asian Journal of Chemistry,
Vol. 32 No. 3 (2020): Vol 32 Issue 3
Pectin functions as an adhesive and maintains tissue stability so that it can be used in making edible coating to improve the quality of food storage. One of the producers of pectin is Musa acuminata L. peel (containing 22.4 % pectin). In order not to overgrow with microbes, it is also necessary to have antimicrobial property, which can be obtained from Cinnamomum burmannii extract. This study is about raw material preparation, pectin extraction, pectin modification, Cinnamomum burmannii extraction and edible coating manufacturing. The parameters viz. thickness test, water vapour transmission, tensile strength test, elongation at break, biodegradation, and for trials on storing beef sausage showed that 10 % sorbitol was able to withstand the rate of fungal growth for 7 days; 15 % sorbitol was able to withstand the rate of fungal growth for 5 days; and 20 % sorbitol was able to withstand the rate of fungal growth for 3 days.
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