Copyright (c) 2024 Gloria U Fayomi

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Unveiling the Issues on Water Pollution Narrative, Focus on Quality and Quantity Dynamic: Mini Review
Corresponding Author(s) : Gloria U. Fayomi
Asian Journal of Chemistry,
Vol. 36 No. 8 (2024): Vol 36 Issue 8, 2024
The 2015 United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG 6) aims to solve the global water concerns by emphasising access to safe drinking water, sanitation and wastewater management. Significant populations, however, continue to lack these basics, contributing to child mortality and waterborne illnesses. Water pollution exacerbates the worldwide water problem, having an impact on ecosystems and human health. This study delves into the intricate problems of water pollution, including its causes, health consequences and ecological disruptions. It also looks at worldwide policies and legislative attempts like the Safe Drinking Water Act and international mandates like the Water Framework Directive. These regulations indicate a shift towards more comprehensive approaches, such as Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM), which strike a balance between fairness, ecological integrity and efficiency principles.
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