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Efficiency of X-PIPS Si(Li) Detector and Bremsstrahlung Spectra in Thick Target Produced by b-Emitter 45Ca
Corresponding Author(s) : Tajinder Singh
Asian Journal of Chemistry,
Vol. 30 No. 10 (2018): Vol 30 Issue 10, 2018
The complete response of the X-PIPS Si(Li) detector has been developed to calculate the total bremsstrahlung spectral photon distributions in thick metallic targets (Al, Cu, Sn and Pb) produced by continuous b-particles of 45Ca in the photon energy region of 5 to 30 keV. The geometrical full-energy peak detection efficiency of the X-PIPS Si(Li) detector has been determined in the photon energy region 5-30 keV. A g-ray source of 133Ba and the X-rays peaks of Ti, Cu, Mo and Sn materials were used for determining the detector parameters and for calibration of the detector. The values of photo-fractions were determined at different photon energies by using the X-rays peaks produced at different photon energy. The geometrical full-energy peak detection efficiency of the detector was determined by using the values of the photo-fraction and intrinsic efficiency of the X-PIPS detector. It has been found that the efficiency of detector efficiency is varying from 95 to 5 % in the studied photon energy region. It is observed that the experimental results show better agreement with the modified Elwert factor (relativistic) Bethe-Heitler theory, which includes the polarization bremsstrahlung into ordinary bremsstrahlung by using stripped atom approximation.
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