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Phosphorus Contents of Processed Food in Indonesia
Corresponding Author(s) : N. Andarwulan
Asian Journal of Chemistry,
Vol. 29 No. 8 (2017): Vol 29 Issue 8
This study aimed to analyze phosphorus contents of processed food in Indonesia and its compliance with the regulations. Processed food with and without phosphorus as food additive on ingredient, listed in the National Agency of Drug and Food Control e-registrration database (2013-2015), were sampled and analyzed by spectrophotometry. The result showed that processed foods without phosphorus as food additives actually contained a certain amount of phosphorus. The difference of total phosphorus level in processed foods without phosphorus compared to that of with phosphorus ranged between 5-9 % with an average increase rate of 39 %. The difference showed the addition of phosphorus in processed food and generally met the regulation, except in seasoning and premix. This finding could be used as the basic for calculating maximum phosphorus permitted as food additive by the differences of phosphorus levels in products with and without phosphorus as food additives.
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