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Mass Transfer Kinetic Study of Honey Based Apple Preserve through Osmotic Dehydration
Asian Journal of Chemistry,
Vol. 29 No. 1 (2017): Vol 29 Issue 1
The present work was focused on study of mass transfer kinetics through osmotic dehydration of apple for solid gain and water loss which was performed for different process times ranging from 10 to 540 min, having three concentrations of honey to sucrose solution (v/w) (100:5, 100:10 and 100:15) at 45, 55 and 65 °C having solution to fruit ratio 3:1. Three empirical kinetic models i.e. Peleg, Power law and Azuara were used for analysis of experimental data. Among these, the Power law model was best fitted. Coefficient of correlation (R2), mean relative deviation modulus (E) and root mean square error (RMSE) were used to determine the best suitable model. The present work depicted that the Power Law model suitably described the osmotic dehydration kinetics with the highest R2 (> 0.982), the lowest E (< 6.028 %) and RMSE (< 2.398).
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J.D. Torres, P. Talens, I.A. Escriche and A. Chiralt, J. Food Eng., 74, 240 (2006).
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G. Panades, D. Castro, A. Chiralt, P. Fito, M. Nunez and R. Jimenez, J. Food Eng., 87, 386 (2008).
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F. Kaymak-Ertekin and M. Sultanoglu, J. Food Eng., 46, 243 (2000).
B. Singh, P.S. Panesar and V. Nanda, Int. J. Food Sci. Technol., 43, 1361 (2008).
Y. Deng and Y. Zhao, J. Food Eng., 85, 84 (2008).
I. Eren and F. Kaymak-Ertekin, J. Food Eng., 79, 344 (2007).
F.C. Schmidt, B.A.M. Carciofi and J.B. Laurindo, J. Food Eng., 91, 553 (2009).
J.L.G. Correa, L.M. Pereira, G.S. Vieira and M.D. Hubinger, J. Food Eng., 96, 498 (2010).
A. Ganjloo, R.A. Rahman, J. Bakar, A. Osman and M. Bimakr, Int. Food Res. J., 18, 1105 (2011).
A.P. Ito, R.V. Tonon, K.J. Park and M.D. Hubinger, Dry. Technol., 25, 1769 (2007).
A. Ispir and I.T. Togrul, Chem. Eng. Res. Des., 87, 166 (2009).
B.M. Uddin, P. Ainsworth and S. Ibanoglu, J. Food Eng., 65, 473 (2004).
B. Singh, A. Kumar and A.K. Gupta, J. Food Eng., 79, 471 (2007).
A. Lenart and J.M. Flink, J. Food Technol., 19, 65 (1984).
W. Heng, S. Guilbert and J.L. Cuq, Sci. Aliments, 10, 831 (1990).
N.M. Misljenovic, G.B. Koprivica, L.L. Pezo, T.A. Kuljanin, M.I. Bodroza-Solarov and B.V. Filipcev, Acta Period. Technol., 42, 91 (2011).
K. Kaur and A.K. Singh, Int. J. Agric. Sci. Res., 3, 1 (2013).
N.K. Rastogi and K.S.M.S. Raghavarao, Lebensm. Wiss. Technol., 37, 43 (2004).
Sangeeta and B.S. Hathan, J. Food Process. Technol., 6, (2015).
H.N. Lazarides, E. Katsanidis and A. Nickolaidis, J. Food Eng., 25, 151 (1995).
E. Azarpazhooh and H.S. Ramaswamy, Dry. Technol., 28, 57 (2009).
M.S. Rahman and J. Lamb, J. Food Sci. Technol., 27, 150 (1990).
A. Kar and D.K. Gupta, J. Food Sci. Technol., 38, 352 (2001).