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Mechanical and Structural Characterization of Eco-Friendly Films Prepared Using Poly(vinyl alcohol), Cellulose Nanocrystals and Chitosan Nanoparticle Blend
Corresponding Author(s) : S. Periyar Selvam
Asian Journal of Chemistry,
Vol. 29 No. 10 (2017): Vol 29 Issue 10
Nanocomposite films of poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA), cellulose nanocrystals (CNC) and chitosan nanoparticles (CNP) were prepared using environmental friendly methods. These films were prepared in the concentration of 1-3 % of nanomaterials and 3-5 % PVA and the films with the highest mechanical strength was characterized by studying the morphology through SEM and intermolecular interactions using XRD. Strong intermolecular forces existed between the nanomaterials and PVA matrix, shown by the XRD results. It was observed that the addition of nanomaterials increased the tensile strength of the films. The nanocomposite films were subjected to biodegradation studies for the degree of decomposability, as the need for compostable packaging material is essential, due to the ever increasing problem of recycling of plastics. Thus creating them to be potential candidates for packaging, as they may provide high mechanical strength to maintain the integrity of the package and are biodegradable in nature.
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M.F. Rosa, E.S. Medeiros, J.A. Malmonge, K.S. Gregorski, D.F. Wood, L.H.C. Mattoso, G. Glenn, W.J. Orts and S.H. Imam, Carbohydr. Polym., 81, 83 (2010);
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H.Z. Li, S.C. Chen and Y.Z. Wang, Compos. Sci. Technol., 115, 60 (2015);
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