Copyright (c) 2023 M. Rilyanti*, A.D.W. Ningrum, Z.A. Zahra, S. Suharso, B. Buhani, Y. Y, S. Hadi

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Hierarchical ZSM-5 Based on Silica Bagasse and Mesopore Template from Starch as Catalyst for Glucose Production
Corresponding Author(s) : M. Rilyanti
Asian Journal of Chemistry,
Vol. 35 No. 2 (2023): Vol 35 Issue 2, 2023
Application of agricultural biomass waste in the form of sugarcane bagasse ash (SCBA) to extract silica has been carried out and then used as the main precursor in the synthesis of ZSM-5 hierarchical pores containing without and with cassava peel containing cellulose (starch). Hydrothermal synthesis of precursor gels at 180 ºC for 144 h yielded a ZSM-5 SCBA hierarchical pore precursor with a mesoporous surface area of 27.25 m2/g, a regular pore diameter of 3.60 nm and an average pore size of 3.32 nm using ZSM-5 seeds and starch as template. Synthesis of ZSM-5 SCBA without template was also performed for comparison. Results showed the crystallinity and ratio of Si/Al ZSM-5 with and without template were 80.09% and 82.40%, respectively and the Si/Al ratio were 5.41 and 6.27. The cellulose content isolated from cassava peel flour was 88.21%. Optimization of the catalytic parameters variable showed that the hydrolysis of cellulose occurred at 140 ºC for 4 h with a 1:1 ratio of catalyst and substrate. The conversion degree of hydrolyzed cellulose using H-ZSM-5 SCBA hierarchy pores catalyst and H-ZSM-5 SCBA microporous catalyst were 88.2% and 76.7% with glucose concentration obtained at 218.083 and 188.667 ppm, respectively.
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P. Jagadesh, A. Ramachandramurthy and R. Murugesan, Indian J. Geo Marine Sci., 47, 1934 (2018).
M. Rilyanti, U.N. Faidah, S. Suharso, K.D. Pandiangan and I. Ilim, J. Phys. Conf. Ser., 1751, 012103 (2021);
A.Khaleque, M.M. Alam, M. Hoque, S. Mondal, J.B. Haider, B. Xu, M.A.H. Johir, A.K. Karmakar, J.L. Zhou, M.B. Ahmed and M.A. Moni, Environ. Adv., 2, 100019 (2020);
M.P. Moisés, C.T.P. da Silva, J.G. Meneguin, E.M. Girotto and E. Radovanovic, Mater. Lett., 108, 243 (2013);
M. Rilyanti, R.R. Mukti, G.T.M. Kadja, M. Ogura, H. Nur, E.P. Ng and Ismunandar, Micropor. Mesopor. Mater., 230, 30 (2016);
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