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Photocatalytic Degradation of Crystal Violet Dye in Aqueous Solution using ZnFe2O4-Cellulose Nanocomposite Catalyst
Corresponding Author(s) : Richa Tomar
Asian Journal of Chemistry,
Vol. 35 No. 6 (2023): Vol 35 Issue 6, 2023
The major issue in the modern area is the wastewater discharge, particularly the organic pigments from several industries, which creates various pernicious health hazards. As a result, synthesized zinc ferrites and cellulose nanocomposites are effective photocatalysts used for the detoxification of crystal violet dyes. The crystallite-size of synthesized zinc ferrite nanoparticle was confirmed from XRD by using Scherrer equation to be 25.5 nm. The elemental composition of the zinc ferrite-cellulose nanocomposite was clearly shown by the EDS spectrum. Based on the FESEM micrographs, the zinc ferrite-cellulose nanocomposite morphology revealed a smooth surface with microspheres measuring 500 nm in size. The ZnFe2O4-cellulose nanocomposite demonstrated 92% photocatalytic efficiency for the removal of crystal violet dye at pH 6 after 160 min of sunlight irradiation with a catalyst dosage of 50 mg and an initial dye concentration of 10 ppm. The pseudo-second-order kinetic model was found to be consistent for the photocatalytic process. Finally, the newly developed photocatalyst (ZnFe2O4-cellulose nanocomposites) should be considered better for dye decontamination in wastewater.
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