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Physico-Chemical Parameters Profile During Dry and Wet Seasons in Southern South China Sea: Brunei Bay
Asian Journal of Chemistry,
Vol. 28 No. 10 (2016): Vol 28 Issue 10
The physico-chemical parameters were assessed in the Brunei bay water column in order to provide scientific data on these parameters during the dry and wet seasons. The parameters measured were salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH and total suspended solids. The results showed that most of the parameters showed seasonal variations between the dry and wet seasons. Lower surface values of salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen and pH were observed in the wet season and vice versa for total suspended solids. In addition, the vertical profiles between surface and bottom waters varied during the wet season and this was more noticeable for salinity and dissolved oxygen. Lower salinities were recorded in the surface water compared to bottom water due to the greater river discharge and rainfall. Decreasing of dissolved oxygen were observed in going from surface to bottom waters. Lower dissolved oxygen in bottom water might be mainly due to degradation of organic wastes and restricted current circulation. The results of this study provide helpful data that enables the decision makers to effectively manage activities in the bay.
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C.M. Hogan, The Encyclopedia of Earth (2011); Available at Accessed in 10 December 2015.
Z. Waheed, S. Al-Azad, M.A.S. Hussein, K.A.A. Aguol, S.R.M. Shaleh and C.S. Vairappan, Biological Resources, In: Coastal Environment Profile of Brunei Bay, Malaysia: Capital Associates (S) Sdn. Bhd., pp. 194 (2007)..
Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association and Water Environment Federation, New York, edn 20 (1998).
E. Saleh, S. Saad, M.A. Hoque, A.M. Ladoni and M.H. Abdullah, Physical and Chemical Features, In: Coastal Environment Profile of Brunei Bay, Malaysia: Capital Associates (S) Sdn. Bhd., pp. 194 (2007).
J. Ransangan and R. Shapawi, Aquaculture, In: Coastal Environment Profile of Brunei Bay, Malaysia: Capital Associates (S) Sdn. Bhd., pp. 194 (2007).
J.E. Gilley and L.M. Risse, J. Biol. Syst. Eng., 43, 1583 (2000).
B.J. Turner, Organic Phosphorus Transfer from Terrestrial to Aquatic Environments, In: Organic Phosphorus in the Environment, CABI Publishing, UK, pp. 399 (2003).
E. Ngoye and J.F. Machiwa, Phys. Chem. Earth, 29, 1161 (2004); doi:10.1016/j.pce.2004.09.002.
J.M. Jackson, S.E. Allen, E.C. Carmack and F.A. McLaughlin, Ocean Sci. J., 6, 799 (2010); doi:10.5194/os-6-799-2010.
W.G. Reay, J. Coast. Res., 57, 23 (2009); doi:10.2112/1551-5036-57.sp1.23.
J. Niemistö, H. Holmroos and J. Horppila, J. Limnol., 70, 3 (2011); doi:10.4081/jlimnol.2011.3.
N.R. Bates, M.H.P. Best, K. Neely, R. Garley, A.G. Dickson and R.J. Johnson, Biogeosciences, 9, 2509 (2012); doi:10.5194/bg-9-2509-2012.
S. Suratman, M.I. Mohd Sailan, Y.Y. Hee, E.A. Bedurus and M.T. Latif, Sains Malays., 44, 67 (2015); doi:10.17576/jsm-2015-4401-10.
M. Loo, L. Hsu and J. Paw, Physical Environment. In: The Coastal Environmental Profile of Brunei Darussalam: Resource Assessment and Management Issues, ICLARM Technical Reports 18, Fisheries Department, Ministry of Development, Brunei Darussalam and International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management, Manila, Philippines, pp. 193 (1987).