Copyright (c) 2023 Saritha Chandran A

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PANI/short nylon fiber/natural rubber conducting composites: Dielectric properties
Corresponding Author(s) : Saritha Chandran A
Asian Journal of Chemistry,
Vol. 35 No. 9 (2023): Vol 35 Issue 9, 2023
Polyaniline/Polyaniline coated short nylon fibre/natural rubber (PANI/PANI-N/NR) CPCs and PANI/NR CPCs were prepared by mechanical mixing on a two-roll mill. PANI-N provides both conductivity and good mechanical properties to the CPCs. Such CPCs with enhanced mechanical properties are expected to find many device applications. The frequency and temperature dependence of dielectric properties of PANI, NR, PANI/NR and PANI/PANI-N/NR CPCs in the frequency range 0.1 to 8 MHz and in the temperature range 303 to 393 K, were investigated. Different theoretical equations and mixture equations were applied to fit the observed dielectric data of the CPCs.
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