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Nutritional and Antioxidant Activities of Value Added Products Prepared from Syzygium cuminii L.
Corresponding Author(s) : Priyanka Das
Asian Journal of Chemistry,
Vol. 27 No. 11 (2015): Vol 27 Issue 11
Considering the seasonal abundance and already recognized nutritional and medicinal values of jamun fruit (Syzygium cuminii L.), three different types of value added products of jamun namely, jamun juice, jamun squash prepared using stevia (Stevia rebaudiana) and jamun squash prepared using sugar were made. After 1 week of the preparation of ]products, the total soluble sugar content was found to be the highest (47.38 g/100 mL) in jamun squash prepared using sugar and the lowest (9.60 g/100 mL) in jamun squash prepared using stevia. The nitrogen content (0.136 g/100 mL), calcium content (10.96 mg/100 mL), the potassium content (38 mg/100 mL) and iron content (0.45 mg/100 mL) were found to be the highest in jamun squash prepared using stevia. The phosphorus content was found to be the highest (10.49 mg/100 mL) in jamun juice and the lowest (6.017 mg/100 mL) in jamun squash prepared using sugar. The antioxidant activity measured in terms of DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) inhibition was found to be the highest for jamun juice and the lowest for jamun squash prepared using sugar. The microbial analysis of jamun products during the different periods of storage revealed that the growth of Lactobacillus species was prominent as compared to other microbes. The data showed a decreasing trend of the values as the duration of storage increased.
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S.G. Joshi, Medicinal Plants, Oxford & IBH Publishing Co., New Delhi (2001).
P. Chowdhury and R.C. Ray, Asian Food J., 14, 15 (2007).
M. Shahnawaz, S.A. Sheikh and S.M. Nizamani, Pakistan J. Nutr., 8, 1275 (2009); doi:10.3923/pjn.2009.1275.1280.
R.P. Sivastava and S. Kumar, Fruit and Vegetable Preservation Principles and Practices, International Book Distributing Company, Lucknow, India (2003).
W.E. Trevelyan and J.S. Harrison, Biochem. J., 50, 298 (1952).
AOAC, Official Method of Analysis, Association of Official Analytical Chemist, Washington DC, edn 14 (2005).
S.Y. Wong, J. Biol. Chem., 55, 421 (1923).
C.H. Fiske and Y.S. Row, in eds.: R.W. Cowgill and B. Pardec, Experimental Biochemical Research Techniques, p. 177 (1925).
P. Molyneux, J. Songklanakarin Sci. Technol., 26, 212 (2004).
M. Amerine, R.M. Pangborn and E. Roessler, Principles of Sensory Evaluation of Food, Academic Press, New York, p. 419 (1965).
C. Gopalan, B.V. Rama Sashtri and Balasubhramaniam, Nutritive Value of Indian Foods, National Institute of Nutrition, Indian Council of Medical Research, Hyderabad, India (1996).
M.H. Noomrio and M.U. Dahot, Islamic Academy Sci., 9, 9 (1996).
D.S. Khurdiya and S.K. Roy, J. Food Sci. Technol., 22, 27 (1985).
S. Singh, S. Krishnamurthi and S.L. Katyal, Fruit Culture in India, ICAR, New Delhi, p. 55 (1967).
M. Shahnawaz, S.A. Sheikh and S.M. Nizamani, Pakistan J. Nutr., 8, 1275 (2009); doi:10.3923/pjn.2009.1275.1280.
I. Hussain, A. Zeb and M. Ayub, World J Agric. Sci., 7, 136 (2011).
S. Akhtar, M. Riaz, A. Ahmad and A. Nisar, Pak. J. Bot., 42, 853 (2010).
M.A. Kenawi, L.A. Shekib and N.A. El-Shimi, Plants Food Human Nutr., 45, 265 (1994); doi:10.1007/BF01094095.
J.W. Li, S. Ding and X. Ding, Process Biochem., 40, 3607 (2005); doi:10.1016/j.procbio.2005.03.005.
S. Sanja, N.R. Seth, N.K. Patel, D. Patel and B. Patel, Int. J. Pharm. Sci., 1, 74 (2009).
V. Gupta, S.S. Lahiri, S. Sultana, R. Tulsawani and R. Kumar, J. Complemen. Integr. Med., 6, 1 (2009).
T. Ketema, T. Gaddisa and K. Bacha, Ethiop. J. Health Sci., 18, 98 (2008).
V.T. Patel and H.R. Patel, J. Agric. Eng., 41, 55 (2004).
A.M. Elmahmood and J.H. Doughari, Afr. J. Food Sci., 1, 11 (2007).
C. Kulkarni, A. Deshpande and S. More, Int. J. Pharm. Res. Dev., 2, 191 (2010).
Prevention of Food Adulteration Act 1956. Microbial Food Safety-Indian Regulation, Retrieved from on 21st December 2011.