Copyright (c) 2014 H.M. Albishri

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Eco-Friendly and Sensitive Simultaneous Determination of Unbound Hydrochlorothiazide and Cefditoren Pivoxil in Human Plasma Using High Performance Frontal Analysis
Corresponding Author(s) : H.M. Albishri
Asian Journal of Chemistry,
Vol. 26 No. 24 (2014)
Eco-friendly and sensitive simultaneous determination of unbound hydrochlorothiazide and cefditoren pivoxil in human plasma was developed by a direct injection high-performance frontal analysis. The high-performance frontal analysis method consists of an high-performance frontal analysis column with a mobile phase of 67 mM phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) at flow rate of 0.2 mL/min and wavelength 260 nm. The injection volume of plasma, which is a crucial factor in high-performance frontal analysis, was determined to be 1000 μL. The injection of 10 μL sample eluted drugs as typical HPLC peaks with retention times after the protein peak. The high-performance frontal analysis method was validated according to FDA guideline for Industry-Bioanalytical Method Validation. The linearity of unbound hydrochlorothiazide and cefditoren pivoxil was achieved in the range of 1-200 and 0.3-200 ng/mL with limits of quantifications of 1.1 and 7.1 ng/mL, respectively. Adequate accuracy, precision and stability were obtained. This study illustrates how high-performance frontal analysis could be used for eco-friendly determination of unbound drug as a function of drug pharmacokinetic parameters with great advantages of its sensitivity and ease of its operation.
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A. Shibukawa, T. Nakagawa, A. Kaihara, K. Yagi and H. Tanaka, Anal. Chem., 59, 2496 (1987).
A. Shibukawa, Y. Kuroda and T. Nakagawa, Trends Analyt. Chem., 18, 549 (1999).
A. Shibukawa, T. Nakagawa, N. Nishimura, M. Miyake and H. Tanaka, Chem. Pharm. Bull. (Tokyo), 37, 702 (1989).
A. Shibukawa, M. Nagao, Y. Kuroda and T. Nakagawa, Anal. Chem., 62, 712 (1990).
N. Nishimura, A. Shibukawa and T. Nakagawa, Anal. Sci., 6, 355 (1990).
A. Shibukawa, A. Terakita, J. He and T. Nakagawa, J. Pharm. Sci., 81, 710 (1992)., 15 June (2014).
D. Abd El-Hady and H.M. Albishri, J. Liq. Chromatogr., 37, 2681 (2014).
W. Rieck and D. Platt, Clin. Lab., 46, 477 (2000).
R.V. Nirogi, V.N. Kandikere, W. Shrivastava and K. Mudigonda, Arzneimittelforschung, 56, 309 (2006).
S.R. Narala and K. Saraswathi, J. Pharm. Sci. Res., 3, 1002 (2011).
D.V. Bharathi, K.K. Hotha, P.K. Chatki, V. Satyanarayana and V. Venkateswarlu, Bioanal., 4, 1195 (2012).
A.G. Jangid, R.H. Tale and V.V. Vaidya, Biomed. Chromatogr., 26, 95 (2012).
R.N. Sharma and S.S. Pancholi, Acta Pharm., 62, 45 (2012).
S. Kurbanoglu, M. Gumustas and S.A. Ozkan, J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal., 72, 198 (2013).
H.M. Albishri, D. Abd El-Hady and R.A. Tayeb, Acta Chromatogr.; 10.1556/AChrom.27.2015.3.5.
A.D. Curzons, C. Jimenez-Gonzalez, A.L. Duncan, D.J.C. Constable and V.L. Cunningham, Int. J. Life Cycle Assess., 12, 272 (2007).
CDER, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. Guidance for Industry Bioanalytical Method Validation; Drugs/GuidanceComplianceRegulatoryInformation/Guidances/UCM070107.pdf (2001).
F. Li, D. Zhou and X. Guo, J. Chromatogr. Sci., 41, 137 (2003).
N. Amini, R. Nakao, M. Schou and C. Halldin, J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal., 98, 140 (2014).
T. Kimura, K. Nakanishi, T. Nakagawa, A. Shibukawa and K. Matsuzaki, J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal., 38, 204 (2005).
A. Terakita, A. Shibukawa, C. Nakao and T. Nakagawa, Anal. Sci., 10, 11 (1994).