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Tridax procumbens: A Herbal Nano Formulation for Cancer Therapy
Corresponding Author(s) : D. Ramya Devi
Asian Journal of Chemistry,
Vol. 26 No. 12 (2014): Vol 26 Issue 12
The therapeutic values of commonly available plants are of more interest due to its beneficial pharmacological activities. Tridax procumbens, an Asteraceaeous member is a most commonly available weed and pest plant in native topical Americas and few tribal parts of India. This plant has several medicinal properties. Its fresh leaf juice is used to cure wounds, to stop bleeding and also used as a hair tonic. The objective of the present work is to extract the leaves of T. procumbens by maceration process using water and to identify the presence of various phyto-chemical constituents. The crude extract was developed into polymer-herbal nanoparticle by solvent evaporation process using polyvinyl pyrrolidine (PVP) and characterized for its size and stability. The crude herbal extract and its nanoparticle formulation were evaluated for antioxidant and antiinflammatory potential through in vitro methods and anticancer activity evaluated through MTT assay against HeLa cell lines.
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S. Velziene, Z. Kalveniene, B. Aleknaviciene, J. Vaiciuleniene, A. Savickas and R. Masteikova, Medicina (Kaunas), 39, 122 (2003).
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R. Xu, J. Zhang and K. Yuan, Molecules, 15, 6357 (2010); doi:10.3390/molecules15096357.
A. Jain and A. Jain, Int. J. Pharm Bio Sci., 3, 544 (2012).
Y. Latha, I. Darah, S. Sasidharan and K. Jain, Mal. J. Nutr., 15, 223 (2009).
H.N. Salaheeden, G.O. Idowu and B.A. Murtala, Indian J. Exp. Biol., 50, 853 (2012).
H.M. Salahdeen, O.K. Yemitan and A.R.A. Alada, Afr. J. Biomed. Res., 7, 27 (2004).
A. Adedapo, O. Olaitan and O.A. Adedokun, Vet. Arhiv, 75, 39 (2005).
M. Senthil and C. Ramesh, Dig. J. Nanomater. Biostruct., 7, 1655 (2012).
S. Paul, S.S. Bhattacharyya, N. Boujedaini and A.R. Khuda-Bukhsh, Evid. Based Complement. Alternat. Med., Article ID 517204 (2011); doi:10.1155/2011/517204.
J.S. Valli and B. Vaseeharan, Mater. Lett., 82, 171 (2012); doi:10.1016/j.matlet.2012.05.040.
P. Vishnu, K. Radhika, R. Sivam, S. Ramchandra, Y. Prameela and A. Srinivas, Int. J. Pharm., 2, 24 (2011).
K. Renugadevi, D. Inbakandan, M. Bavanilatha and V. Poornima, Int. J. Pharm. Biosci., 3, 437 (2012).
G. Alagumuthu and R. Kirubha, Int. J. Nanomater. Biostruct., 2, 30 (2012).
S. Chandra, P. Dey and S. Bhattacharya, J. Adv. Pharm. Educ. Res., 2, 25 (2012).
S.S. Wagh and G.B. Shinde, Adv. Stud. Biol., 2, 105 (2010).
P.K. Wanasundara and F. Shahidi, Antioxidants: Science, Technology, and Applications (2005).
C. Rekha, G. Poornima, M. Manasa, V. Abhipsa, J. Pavithra Devi, H.T. Vijaykumar and T.R. Prashith Kekuda, Chem. Sci. Trans., 1, 303 (2012); doi:10.7598/cst2012.182.
B.O. Obadoni and P.O. Ochuko, Global J. Pure Appl. Sci., 8, 203 (2002); doi:10.4314/gjpas.v8i2.16033.
J. Parekh and S. Chanda, Plant Arch., 8, 657 (2008).
P. Young, I. Jo and T. Hyung, New Perspectives on Aloe, 6, 191 (2006).
J. Parekh and S. Chanda, Afr. J. Biomed. Res., 10, 175 (2007).
F. Mojab, M. Kamalinejad, N. Ghaderi and H.R. Vanidipour, Iran. J. Pharm. Res., 3, 77 (2003).
D.H. Kim, M.-D. Kim, C.-W. Choi, C.-W. Chung, S.H. Ha, C.H. Kim, Y.-H. Shim, Y.-I. Jeong and D.H. Kang, Nanoscale Res. Lett., 7, 91 (2012); doi:10.1186/1556-276X-7-91.
V.A. Niranjana, C. Narendhar and B. Anbarasan, Int. J. Drug Dev., 2, 504 (2012).
C.I. Jude, C.I. Catherine and M.I. Ngozi, Iran. J. Pharm., 8, 548 (2009).