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Correlation of Moisture, pH and Zeta Potential (z) in Sandy-Clay-Loam Soils of the Southern State of Hidalgo, Mexico
Corresponding Author(s) : Judith Prieto Mendez
Asian Journal of Chemistry,
Vol. 26 No. 10 (2014): Vol 26 Issue 10
Agricultural soils in Savanna Zones are very sensitive to compaction and crusting, which merits investigation because, with respect to rainfall, crusting occurs in them and no matter how thin the crusts become to prevent infiltration and root development. The aim of this study was to determine a general correlation between parameters of moisture, pH and zeta potential (z). The last two parameters were measured in the saturation extract of three soil samples dedicated to the cultivation and production of malting barley (Hordeum distichum), in order to develop a rapid and simple method of estimating the quality of this type of soil. The stability of the colloidal suspensions of soils, associated with colloids of organic matter, is diminished dramatically (increasing the z), to the extent that it decreases the biological crust cover (% CC) and clay content which subsequently decreases the textural composition and, therefore the soil moisture retention capacity. Land plots in the municipality of E. Zapata, demonstrated the worst textural conditions (lower % age of clay), lower moisture content, the lowest organic matter loading, higher bulk density and lower field capacity. All these aspects confirm that plots in the southern region of the State of Hidalgo, Mexico consist of more compacted soils which are less beneficial for growing barley.
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H. Derdour, M.R. Laverdière and D.A. Angers, Can. J. Soil Sci., 74, 185 (1994); doi:10.4141/cjss94-026.
M.V. Braunack, J.S. Hewitt and A.R. Dexter, J. Soil Sci., 30, 653 (1979); doi:10.1111/j.1365-2389.1979.tb01015.x.
R.A. McBride, Soil Tillage Res., 13, 383 (1989); doi:10.1016/0167-1987(89)90045-7.
W.L. Daniels, Managing Compacted and Heavy (Clayey) Soils, The Virginia Gardener Newsletter, 8(6), p. 5 (1997).
F.X. Han, A. Banin, W.L. Kingery, G.B. Triplett, L.X. Zhou, S.J. Zheng and W.X. Ding, Adv. Environ. Res., 8, 113 (2003); doi:10.1016/S1093-0191(02)00142-9.
S. Sauvé, W. Hendershot and H.E. Allen, Environ. Sci. Technol., 34, 1125 (2000); doi:10.1021/es9907764.
N.C. Brady and R.R. Weil, The Nature and Properties of Soils, Pearson Education: Upper Saddle River, N.J. edn 14 (2008).
M.E. Sumner and A.D. Noble, in ed.: Z. Rengel, Soil Acidification: The World Story, In Handbook of Soil Acidity, Marcel Dekker: New York, pp: 1-28 (2003).
J. Prieto-Méndez, H. Rubio-Arias, F. Prieto-García, A.D. Roman-Gutiérrez, M.A. Mendez-Marzo and O.A. Acevedo-Sandoval, Am.-Eur. Agric. Environ. Sci., 10, 230 (2011).
L. Ferreras, G. Magra, P. Besson, E. Ovalevski and F. García, Ci. Suel., 25, 159 (2007).
H. Rubio-Arias, F. Prieto-Garcia, A. Mendez-Marzo, A. Pinales, R. Saucedo and M.S. Espino, Am.-Eur. J. Agric. Environ. Sci., 7, 130 (2010).
M.P. Cantú, A. Becker, J.C. Bedano and H.F. Schiavo, Rev. Ciencias del Suelo, 25, 173 (2007).
J.Y. Kim and J.J. Sansalone, J. Hydrol., 356, 163 (2008); doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2008.04.006.
Malvern Inst, Malvern Instrument, Inc. Potencial Zeta, Un curso completo en cinco minutes, Ed. Malver Inst. Catálogo Zeta-Meter. MA 01581-1042, USA (2004).
C. Mantilla, J. Pedraza and D. Laverde, Dyna Rev. Fac. Nac. Minas, 75, 65 (2008).
D. de la Rosa, M.M. Teutli and M.E. Ramírez, Rev. Int. Contam. Ambient, 23, 129 (2007).
A.P. Shapiro and R.F. Probstein, Environ. Sci. Technol., 27, 283 (1993); doi:10.1021/es00039a007.
J.T. Hamed and A. Bhadra, J. Hazard. Mater., 55, 279 (1997); doi:10.1016/S0304-3894(97)00024-1.
G.F. Prieto, K.S. Filardo, C.E. Pérez, H.R.I. Beltrán, G.A.D. Román and M.M.A. Méndez, Bioagro, 18, 163 (2006).
G.R. Blake and H.K. Hartge, in ed.: A. Klute, Bulk Density; In: Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 1, Agronomy Monograph Nº 9. Am. Soc. Agron. Madison, Wisconsin, pp. 363-375 (1986).
USDA-NRCS, United State Department of Agriculture - Natural Resources Conservation Service, Soil Quality Test Kit. Section II: Background and Interpretive Guide for Individual Tests, Washington DC: Soil Quality Institute, pp. 58-83 (2000).
M. Soriano Soto and V. Pons Martí, Prácticas de edafología y Climatología. Ed. Univ. Politéc. Valencia, p. 140 (2001).
Norma Official Mexicana, NOM 021-SEMARNAT-2000, Que establece las especificaciones de fertilidad, salinidad y clasificación de suelos. Estudios, muestreo y análisis, México (2000).
J.R. Boulding, Description and Sampling of Contaminated Soils: A Field Guide, Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL, USA, Chap. 3, edn 3, pp. 240 (1995).
A. Quiroga, O. Ormeño and N. Peineman, Materia orgánica: un indicador de la calidad de los suelos relacionado con la productividad de los cultivos. Boletín Divulgación Técnica 70 EEA INTA Anguil, pp. 28 (2001).
J.A. Galantini and L. Suñer, Agriscientia, 25, 41 (2008).
B.D. Kay and A.J. Van den Bygaart, Soil Tillage Res., 66, 107 (2002); doi:10.1016/S0167-1987(02)00019-3.
R.M. Murray Nunez, J.I. Bojórquez Serrano, A. Hernández Jimenez, M.G. Orozco Benítez, J.D. García Paredes, R. Gómez Aguilar, H.M. Ontiveros Guerra and J. Aguirre Ortega, J. Revista Bio Ciencias, 1, 27 (2011).
A. Hossne García, Y.N. Mayorca Jaime, L.D. Salazar Bastardo, F.A. Subero Llovera and F.Y. Zacillo Contreras, Revista UDO Agrícola, 9, 937 (2009).
P.R. Maurya and R. Lal, in eds.: R. Lal and D.J. Greenland, Effects of Bulk Density and Soil Moisture on Radical Elongation, of Some Tropical Crops, Soil Physical Properties and Crop Production in the Tropics, Wiley, pp. 339-348 (1979).