Effect of Organophospate Pesticide Metasystox on Lipids Discrete Areas of Rat Brain
Corresponding Author(s) : S. Asif Zaidi
Asian Journal of Chemistry,
Vol. 3 No. 3 (1991): Vol 3 Issue 3
Metasystox (O-O-dimethyl-S-2-ethylsulphinyl), 3 mg/kg body weight, intraperitoneally (ip) was injected daily for 10 days. The effects of the pesticide on various lipid fractions in the discrete areas of the brain were studied. The daily ip dose of metasystox depleted the level of total lipids, phospholipids, cholesterol and gangliosides in cerebral hemisphere, cerebellum and brain stem.
Organophosphate Pesticide
Discrete Areas
Rat Brain
Asif Zaidi, S., Singh, S., & Singh, V. (2010). Effect of Organophospate Pesticide Metasystox on Lipids Discrete Areas of Rat Brain . Asian Journal of Chemistry, 3(3), 264–266. Retrieved from https://asianpubs.org/index.php/ajchem/article/view/25240
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