Study on Equlibrium Constant of Ion Exchange Reaction Involving CI-/I- Uni-Univalent Ion Exchange System in the Strongly Basic Anion Exchanger Amberlite IRA-400
Corresponding Author(s) : R.S. Lokhande
Asian Journal of Chemistry,
Vol. 10 No. 4 (1998): Vol 10 Issue 4
A known amount of ion exchange resin in chloride form was allowedto reach equilibrium with potassium iodide solution of five different concentrationsat a specified temperature. The equilibrium concentrations ofthe chloride and iodide ions in the solution as well as in the resin phaseare determined. From these measurements the equilibrium constant (k) andenthalpy of ion exchange reaction were calculated.
Equilibrium Constant
Ion Exchange Reaction
CI-/I-Uni-Univalent Ion
Exchange system
Strongly Basic Anion Exchanger
Lokhande, R., & Singare, P. (2010). Study on Equlibrium Constant of Ion Exchange Reaction Involving CI-/I- Uni-Univalent Ion Exchange System in the Strongly Basic Anion Exchanger Amberlite IRA-400 . Asian Journal of Chemistry, 10(4), 1026–1028. Retrieved from
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