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Preparation and Enhanced Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution Activity of Graphene Based Pd and TiO2 Composites Synthesized by Chemical Vapour Deposition Method
Corresponding Author(s) : Won-Chun Oh
Asian Journal of Chemistry,
Vol. 30 No. 10 (2018): Vol 30 Issue 10, 2018
In this paper, we report a new device for photocatalytic performance with two kinds of graphene. The chemical vapour deposition growth graphene (CVDG) and chemically synthesized graphene were further doped with palladium and titanium dioxide to form the photocatalyst, respectively. The synthesized graphene and as-prepared photocatalysts were characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectroscopy, TEM (HRTEM) and Raman spectra. From the photocatalytic H2 evolution effect, it illustrates that the chemical vapour deposition growth graphene based photocatalyst presents better effect than that of chemically synthesized graphene. The present chemical vapour deposition growth graphene based photocatalyst have a potential catalytic conversion of solar energy to clean hydrogen energy under visible light.
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