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Effect of Various Extraction Techniques and Solvents on Extract Yield and Sugars Content of Clove (Syzygium aromaticum L.)
Corresponding Author(s) : V.K. Madan
Asian Journal of Chemistry,
Vol. 30 No. 4 (2018): Vol 30 Issue 4
For the standardization of herbal products, selection of a suitable extraction technique is important. This study was conducted to observe the effect of various extraction techniques viz. maceration followed by mechanical shaking, refluxing, Soxhlet extraction and centrifugation and solvents viz. acetone, ethanol and water on extract yield and sugars content of clove buds. In clove buds, highest extract yield (27.64 g/100 g), total sugars (28.91 mg/g), reducing sugars (28.50 mg/g) and non-reducing sugars (0.41 mg/g) contents were found in extracts obtained by Soxhlet technique followed by refluxing, mechanical shaking/centrifugation. Amongst solvents, extract yield (34.29 g/100 g), total sugars (29.58 mg/g), reducing sugars (29.18 mg/g) and non-reducing sugars (0.40 mg/g) were highest in water extracts followed by ethanol and acetone extracts. Thus, the extract yield and sugars content of clove are dependent on the kind of extraction technique used and solvent polarity.
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