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Areca catechu Slurry: A Rich Source of Phenolics and Flavonoids
Corresponding Author(s) : Jyoti V. Vastrad
Asian Journal of Chemistry,
Vol. 33 No. 2 (2021): Vol 33 Issue 2
In present study, the qualitative and quantitative analysis of phenolic compounds and flavonoids in arecanut slurry based on UV spectrometry and LC-MS were carried out. Results revealed that the arecanut slurry powder extract exhibited the presence of different phenolic groups such as alkaloids, flavonoids, phenolic acids, tannins, saponins and terpenoids. Further, total phenolic content (TPC) and total flavonoid content (TFC) of aqueous extract of areca slurry powder was found to be 214.50 mg/g (GAE) and 184.12 mg/g (RE), respectively. LC-MS analysis depicted the presence of vanillic acid in considerable amounts, which is a benzoic acid derivative used as a flavouring agent. Meanwhile, catechin was profoundly present in the aqueous extracts of arecanut slurry powder among all the other flavonoids. The arecanut slurry powder extracts exhibited substantial amount of vanillic acid and catechin, which are known to be beneficial in various pharmacological studies.
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