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Assessment of Biological Contaminants in Energy Stimulating Herbal Medicines Collected from Dhaka City, Bangladesh
Corresponding Author(s) : Rausan Zamir
Asian Journal of Chemistry,
Vol. 32 No. 10 (2020): Vol 32 Issue 10
Ubiquitous nature of erectile dysfunction (ED) has placed it as one of the most rampant health care problem and therefore consumption of energy stimulating herbal medicines (ESHMs) has increased in Bangladesh. However, these herbal medicines reaching consumers without maintaining proper screening procedure, which bring a threat to public health safety. An analysis of biological contaminants (microbial load) of these herbal medicines available in Bangladesh was investigated. In most of samples, the total bacterial counts (TBC) 6 × 107 − 32 × 1011 cfu/mL and lactobacillus count 6 × 108 − 12 × 1011 cfu/mL exceed the maximum value as percribed by WHO.
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A. Melman and M. Hirsch, National Institutes of Health (NIH) Erectile Dysfunction, The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), NIH Publication, December 2003; No. 04-3923 (2004).
Sexual Function Health Council, American Foundation for Urologic Disease, vol. 2 (2004).
N. Roper, Churchill Livingstone Pocket Medical Dictionary, Published in Association with the Royal Society of Medicine, edn 14 (2001).
G.D. Pamplona-Roger, Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants. Education and Health Library, Editorial Safeliz: Spain, vol. 2 (2000).
W.C. Evans, Trease and Evans Pharmacognosy, W.B. Saunders: London, edn 15 (2002).
P.H.C. Lim, Transl. Androl. Urol., 6, 167 (2017);
O.M.J. Kasilo and J.M. Trapsida, Afr. Health Monit., 14, 25 (2011).
D.K. Raynor, R. Dickinson, P. Knapp, A.F. Long and D.J. Nicolson, BMC Med., 9, 94 (2011);
C. Aschwanden, Bull. World Health Organ., 79, 691 (2001).
M. Ekor, Front. Pharmacol., 4, 177 (2014);
S. Govender, D. Du Plessis-Stoman, T. Downing and M. Van de Venter, S. Afr. J. Sci., 102, 253 (2006).
M. Temu-Justin, E.F. Lyamuya and C.K. Makwaya, Afr. J. Health Sci., 12, 19 (2011).
WHO, Guideline for Assessing Quality of Herbal Medicines with Reference to Contaminants and Residues, 3rd ed. Recommendations. Geneva, World Health Organization, edn 3, vol. 1, pp 130-143 (2007).
M.O. Onyambu, H.K. Chepkwony, G.N. Thoithi, G.O. Ouya and G.O. Osanjo, Afr. J. Pharmacol. Ther., 2, 70 (2013).
A. Okunlola, B.A. Adewoyin and O.A. Odeku, Trop. J. Pharm. Res., 6, 661 (2007);
H.P. Cheung, S.W. Wang, T.B. Ng, Y.B. Zhang, L.X. Lao, Z.J. Zhang, Y. Tong, F.W.S. Chung and S.C.W. Sze, Chin. Med., 12, 1 (2017);
B.K. Tiwari, V.P. Valdramidis, C.P. O’ Donnell, K. Muthukumarappan, P. Bourke and P.J. Cullen, J. Agric. Food Chem., 57, 5987 (2009);
J. Forest, Feacal Coliforms, University of Iowa Hygienic Laboratory Manual, vol. 36, p. 4 (2004).
E. Czech, W. Kneifel and B. Kopp, Planta Med., 67, 263 (2001);
K. Chitrarekha, D. Adwait and M. Shridhar, Int. J. Pharma Res. Dev., 2, 974 (2010).
M. Addis and D. Sisay, J. Trop. Dis., 3, 176 (2015);