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Synthesis and Characterization of Polyurethane Membrane from Nyamplung Seed Oils (Calophyllum inophillum)
Corresponding Author(s) : Mustanir
Asian Journal of Chemistry,
Vol. 29 No. 9 (2017): Vol 29 Issue 9
Nyamplung seeds (Calophyllum inophillum) oil was extracted by n-hexane using Soxhlet to obtain oil with yield of 55.55 % (w/w). The product was yellowish green liquid having density of 0.88 g/mL. The iodine and hydroxyl numbers were 83.53 mg iod/g and 64.29 mg KOH/g, respectively. The results showed that Nyamplung seeds oil could be used as raw materials for synthesis of polyurethane membrane. Polyurethane membranes were synthesized through reacting Nyamplung seed oils with 1,6-hexamethylene diisocyanate by crosslink method. The reaction parameters of polyurethane membrane with ratio Nyamplung seed oils to the HMDI 5:7 (v/w), temperature polymerization at 95-100 °C during 60 min. The membrane was cured at 150-155 °C during 8 h gave the best rejection rate of 92.67 % and flux 2.353 L/m2 h bar gave optimum properties both visual and characterization. The characteristic of polyurethane membranes from Nyamplung seeds oils were transparent yellow, homogenous, hard, elastics and dried.
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