It is mandatory for the authors to write and prepare their manuscripts according to the instructions and specifications listed below. The length and effectiveness of the peer review process will largely depend upon the care used by authors in preparing their manuscripts. Therefore, contributors are strongly encouraged to read these instructions carefully before preparing a manuscript for submission and to check the manuscript for conformance before submitting it for publication.
Manuscripts which are submitted to Asian Journal of Synthetic and Natural Product Chemistry should
- contain original work (submit a copyright-notice form stating the article has not been communicated to any other journal for publication).
- follows aims and scope of the journal
- are clearly and correctly
written in English (should be clear, simple and cater to chemistry research area) - are delivered in electronic format
To prepare your paper
Visit Article Template
Paper elements:
- title page with:
- title (short title)
- name(s) of author(s)
- name and address of workplace(s)
- personal e-mail address(es)
- abstract
- keywords
- text
- references
Each of these elements is detailed below
1.1 Title (short title)
Title should be short but informative.
1.2 Name(s) of author(s)
A list of all authors of the paper should be prepared (full first name, initial(s)
for middle name(s) and full last name).
1.3 Name and address of workplace(s)
Authors’ affiliations should be indicated in this section.
1.4 Personal e-mail address(es)
At least one e-mail address is needed for corresponding with the authors.
2. Abstract
An abstract must accompany every article. It should be a brief summary of the significant items of the main paper. An abstract should not normally exceed 200 words. It should not contain literature citations or illusions to the tables or illustrations. All non-standard symbols and abbreviations should be defined.
3. Keywords
List of all keywords proposed by the authors, separated by commas.
4. Text
- introduction: subject, scope of the subject, goals of your paper and finally the
organization of your paper are to be mentioned - main text: all important elements of your scientific message are to be mentioned
- conclusion: summary of the paper
Experimental Part - should be written in sufficient detail to enable others to repeat the authors’ work. Chemical compounds should be named according to the systematic rules of IUPAC or Chemical Abstracts. Common trivial names that are accepted by IUPAC can also be used. Units and dimensions should be expressed according to the metric system and SI units
Results and Discussion - may be combined or kept separate and may be further divided into subsections. This section should not contain technical details. Abbreviations and acronyms should be used sparingly and consistently. Where they first appear in the text, they should be defined; authors may also explain large numbers of abbreviations and acronyms after the conclusion part.
Computational Part - in theoretical papers, technical details such as the computational methods, and models applied or newly developed models should be presented in an appropriately named section. Sufficient detail should be provided to enable readers to reproduce the calculations.
Acknowledgements - Information concerning research grant support and the
assistance of colleagues or similar notes of appreciation should appear in an Acknowledgements
Authors should use tables only to achieve concise presentation, or where the information cannot be given satisfactorily in other ways. Tables should be numbered and referred to in the text by number. Each table should have an explanatory caption which should be as concise as possible.
Authors may use line diagrams and photographs to illustrate these from their text. The figures should be clear, easy to read and of good quality. Styles and fonts should match those in the main body of the article. Lettering and lines should be of uniform density and the lines unbroken. Axis labels should be in bold face. Units
should be placed next to variables in parentheses. All figures must be mentioned in the text in consecutive order and be numbered.
These are sequences of reactions. They should have brief titles describing their contents. Schemes should be numbered.
Authors can attach files in formats like BMP, GIF, JPEG formats.
5. Reference list
“A complete reference should give the reader enough information to find the relevant article. Please pay particular attention to spelling, capitalization and punctuation here. Completeness of references is the responsibility of the authors. A complete reference should comprise the following:
5.1. Reference to an article in a journal
- J. Lovas, R.D. Suenram and G.T. Fraser, J. Chem. Phys., 88, 722 (1988).
- J.F. Hinton and R.D. Harpool, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 99, 349 (1997) and the references cited therein.
- T. Buehrer, P. Gehrig, and W. Simon, Anal. Sci., (in press).
- World Health Organization: Industrial Pollution Control Handbook, H.F. Lund, 1971, McGraw Hill Book Co., New York, p. 4/23-4/39 (1994).
- R.S. Houk, H.J. Svec and V.A. Fassel, “Dynamic Mass Spectrometry”, ed. D. Price and J. F. J. Todd, Vol. 6, Chap. 19, Heyden, London, 234 (1981).
- Black Pepper and Piperine, Encyclopedia, Revised March 1999.
Proceedings or Abstracts
- S.P. Raghuvanshi, R. Singh, C.P. Kaushik, A.K. Raghav and A. Chandra, In Proceedings of International Conference for Water and Wastewater: Perspectives in Developing Countries (WAPDEC), International Water Association, UK, pp. 1053-1062 (2002).
- American Public Health Association (APHA), Standard Methods for the Estimation of Fluoride Ions in Water and Wastewater, Washington, DC, USA, edn. 18 (1992).
- S.P. Raghuvanshi, M. Tech Thesis, Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Guru Jambheshwar University, Hisar, Haryana, India (2001).
- K.R. Anumula, US Patent 6800486 ( 2004 ).
Web site
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