Complete Process for Publication of an Article

The steps involved in processing the article are:
  1. The authors who intend to submit their articles are requested to register with Asian Journal Of Metals And Salts by clicking here.
  2. The authors can then directly upload their papers from Submit Manuscripts module and are required to fill up the copyright form.
  3. The notification is sent to the Executive Editor about the new paper.
  4. From this step the manuscript receives an unique article no.
  5. The submitted article is initially reviewed by the Editorial Board Member who is an expert in the relevant field. It is then screened through plagiarism checking software CrossCheck™ Powered by iThenticate. (S)he then sends it to selected referees for specialist review. During the review process, the Editorial Board Member or the reviewer may ask the author to make revisions according to the outcome of the peer review.
  6. If necessary, authors introduce corrections and upload a revised version of their manuscript  from Submit Manuscripts module.
  7. The Executive Editor refers the revised manuscript back to the referees. On the basis of those second reviews, the Executive Editor decides whether the manuscript can be further considered for publication or not. If corrections are satisfactory in general but the manuscript still requires some revision, the Executive Editor sends it to authors for final minor corrections.
  8. The Executive Editor makes the final decision whether the manuscript should be published or not.
  9. The Managing Editor officially informs the author about the final decision by sending the acceptance letter and the invoice bill for article processing charge (no article submission charges are levied on the author).
  10. After receiving the payment the manuscript then undergoes language editing, technical editing, proofreading and finally is published.

The standard peer review process together with language and technical handling of the manuscript may take up to 1-2 months and it may take possibly longer if the author is asked to make revisions to the manuscript.

For further details, please contact the Executive Editor of Asian Journal Of Metals And Salts at


The Management hereby declares that we do not have any association/s with any publisher/agency for publication of articles submitted through them. Kindly submit your articles directly through the journal website.