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Antioxidants and Aspergillus niger Antifungal Activity in vitro of Flavonoids Extract from Red-Top Leaves of Cratoxylum prunifolium
Corresponding Author(s) : Tran Dinh Manh
Asian Journal of Chemistry,
Vol. 31 No. 7 (2019): Vol 31 Issue 7
The objective of the present study was to optimize flavonoids extraction process from red-top leaves following the Soxhlet method, which is capable of producing the highest flavonoid yield and assess antioxidant and Aspergillus niger antifungal activity of the extract. Besides, this research aims to establish a foundation for the use of these flavonoids instead of synthetic compounds as natural antioxidant for postharvest spoilage management of agricultural products. Optimization of flavonoids extraction process was conducted using response surface methodology with a central composite design. Included extraction factors in RSM are: 70-90 % ethanol solvent concentration; 30-70 v/w solvent/material ratio; 60-80 °C temperature and 30-90 min time. Antioxidant activity of the extract was assessed based on measurements of reducing power and 1.1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radical scavenging activities. Then, Aspergillus niger antifungal activity of the extract was also assessed. The highest flavonoids content was at 6.96 % at following optimal extract conditions: 90 % ethanol concentration; ratio of solvent/material of 70 v/w; extraction temperature and time are 80 °C and 30 min, respectively. Antioxidant and Aspergillus niger antifungal activity of the flavonoids extract were higher than those of ascorbic acid (used as a standard). The highest reducing power was 1.0914 μg/mL obtained at 140 μL of the highest flavonoids contents treatment from extract process (compared with 0.6832 μg/mL ascorbic acid at same conditions) and 76.6 % DPPH activities (ascorbic acid 62.81 %). From this the highest flavonoids contents treatment, at 4.8 % flavonoids extract concentration (MIC = 4.8 %) for Aspegillus niger antifungal activity was 100 % (fungi without development or completely inhibited). Therefore, the flavonoids have been recommended for development of bio-compounds used in postharvest storage and medicine.
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