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Effects of Physico-Chemical Properties of the Blended Diesel and Waste Cooking Oil Biodiesel
Corresponding Author(s) : Udara S.P.R. Arachchige
Asian Journal of Chemistry,
Vol. 34 No. 2 (2022): Vol 34 Issue 2
Biodiesel is a renewable fuel with similar chemical and physical properties to diesel. The study used waste cooking oil to make biodiesel because reusing waste cooking oil harms human health by raising FFA levels above the norm. Transesterification was performed at 60 °C using a 1:5 methanol to waste cooking oil volume ratio, 30 min reaction time, 600 rpm stirring speed and 1% wt. KOH was employed as a homogenous base catalyst. Biodiesel samples of B0, B2, B5, B20, B40 and B100 were processed at 25 ºC in combination with petrodiesel. Samples were tested for density, kinetic viscosity, flash point, acid value and pH. The fuel economy and flue gas analysis were performed using three-wheeler diesel. The amount of waste cooking oil biodiesel increases the density, kinematic viscosity, flash point, acid value and pH of the sample. In blended diesel, the amount of biodiesel also lowered CO2, CO, NO, NOx, hydrocarbon (HC) and SO2 emissions.
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U.S.P.R. Arachchige, K.I.A. Wijenayake, K.A.V. Miyuranga, D. Thilakarathne, N.A. Weerasekara and R.A. Jayasinghe, Int. J. Scientific Eng. Sci., 5, 1 (2021).
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A. Sarin, Biodiesel: Production and Properties, Royal Society of Chemistry: U.K. (2012).
R.B. Kiran, T.S. Rahul and K. Sivaji, V.G. and Vardhan, IOP Conf. Series: Mater. Sci. Eng., 330, 012092 (2018);
T. Kaya, O.A. Kutlar and O.O. Taskiran, Energies, 11, 2814 (2018);