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Density Functional Studies of Electronic Structure, Chemical Bonding and Thermodynamic Properties of Ternary Lanthanum-Gold-Cadmium Inorganic Materials
Corresponding Author(s) : Jyoti Sagar
Asian Journal of Chemistry,
Vol. 30 No. 7 (2018): Vol 30 Issue 7
Density functional theory analyses of electronic structure together with thermodynamic properties were performed for the two promising ternary rare earth gold compounds (viz. LaAuCd and La2Au2Cd). We have applied the state-of-the-art full potential linear augmented plane wave plus local orbital (FP-LAPW + lo) method. Exchange and correlation potential were introduced within the framework of the generalized gradient approximation (GGA). Careful analysis of valance charge density distribution shows ionic character whereas electron dispersion curves indicate that both the compounds possess metallic character. This metallic character in both the compounds is caused by bonding of La-p, Au-p and Cd-p orbitals in terms of hybridization at Fermi level. Effects of temperature and pressure on bulk modulus, Debye temperature, specific heat, thermal expansion coefficient and entropy have been investigated in wide temperature and pressure range. The calculated lattice parameters are in good agreement with available experimental/theoretical literature values. Thermodynamic properties of LaAuCd and La2Au2Cd have been estimated for the first time and explained on the basic facts.
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